Saturday, April 2, 2011

So What & Why Now

So What? 
I started this blog as a way to keep track of what we're learning about farming, share with others and learn from them too.  ERB Gardens will be posting updates, cultivation tips and recipes for its clients and their customers online.  For now, this blog will serve as ERB Gardens' online home. 

Why Now? 
With Ohio's economy reeling from the recession, chronic lack of jobs, unemployment benefits expiring and people moving to other states, it seems obvious to me that the best way to find a job here is to create your own.  Ohio's economy is clearly in need of restructuring, and whoever decides to stay in Ohio needs to eat.  In an age of rising oil prices, devaluation of the dollar and massive inflation looming on the horizon, the answer to "What's for dinner?" could become increasingly elusive for a lot of people.  When most of us can no longer afford the food that comes on big trucks from out of state, where will we turn? 

The corporate agri-industry that grows the vast majority of food on supermarket shelves depends on petrochemicals for fertilizers, herbicides, & pesticides, not to mention all the gas it takes to ship the produce across the continent.  One day, perhaps sooner than we think, this dependence will make it more economical for people to buy locally grown, organic food.  Every day, more & more people are deciding they don't want to feed their families pesticides & GMOs anymore.  The more demand there is for locally grown organic food, the lower the price will go relative to their chemically-produced counterparts, shipped in from AZ, NV, Canada and other places far away from Ohio or wherever you are.  I am only one of a growing tide of people who believe that the best way to obtain food security is to start growing it ourselves and buying from local organic farmers. 

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